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‘‘Professor Windlenot’s Scrapbook’ is a item featured in ‘Shivers‘.

The Book[]

This particular tome can be found on Professor Windlenot's desk. This book is a scrapbook of key moments in his life. Not all the moments are good, and not all are bad

First item[]

Windlenot Does It Again

Sir Hubert Windlenot has been asked to withdraw his name from the Royal Society. This latest request by the Society was prompted by Windlenot's presentation of a Griffin, found in a tar pit in Turkey. Sir John S. Brown, president of the Society, made the following statement: "Sir Hubert Windlenot is infamous in the 20th century for his capacity to embrace even the tallest of tales as proof of his own theories. This so-called Griffin was fabricated from a pterodactyl, a saber-tooth tiger, and a raptor, all found conviently in the same pit. He is a charlatan, not an archaeologist and should not be concidered one."

You will remember, dear reader, that only last year, Windlenot funded a major exhibition to search for the entrance to a subterranean world and tried to prove that Stonehenge was built by space aliens. This writer admits that Windlenot's theories sound a bit far-fetched, but I for one hope he continues his "research".

Second Item[]

Museum Ground-breaking Held Saturday

Mt. Pleasant Mayor, Jim Wilton and the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Bob Taylor, assist Sir Hubert Windlenot in the ground-breaking of Professor Windlenot's Museum of the Strange and Unusual scheduled to open in the spring of 1961.

Third Item[]

Museum of Broken Dreams

When Sir Hubert Windlenot appeared in Mt. Pleasant 11 years ago, he brought a breath of fresh air to this tired college town. After teaching just one semester at the college, he took on the title of professor and announced he would build a museum that would bring the wonders of the world to our little town. Our hopes soared: this meant new jobs during the construction of the museum and a surge of tourism to boost our economy. Our hopes soon died, however, when the professor announced that only outside contractors would be used to keep the "secrets" of the museum from being exposed. Then, just yesterday, he announced that the museum, which is already five years overdue, would require at least another three years to complete. I, for one, am tired of having my hopes and dreams for a better Mt. Pleasant dashed on the rocks of Professor Windlenot's museum. I believe it will never open. (April 4, 1970)

Fourth Item[]

Geoffrey P. Windlenot, son of the absent Sir Hubert T. Windlenot and Lady Mary Elizabeth Windlenot, will be attending Oxford in the fall. The Windlenots have not only attended Oxford for seven generations, but have been generous benefactors as well. Geoffrey will follow in his grandfather's footsteps -- Sir William Windlenot, Earl of Runcorn--and study banking, hoping to work for the family firm upon graduation.

Fifth Item[]

Artiacts sold

The personal possessions of Siegfeld Schwartz, who died 23 years ago, were sold yesterday to Sir Hubert Windlenot, who offered and paid an undisclosed amount for the entire collection. Officials said he was interested in never-resolved rumors surrounding the mysterious death of Mr. Schwartz. When questioned, the buyer said, "I believe his demise is related to pottery vessels that I hope are still included among his possessions. These vessels have reportedly been linked to the deaths of several individuals, each found shriveled and mummified. I am interested in the vessels from an archaeological viewpoint, however." Sir Windlenot plans to exhibit the vessels in a museum he has founded. (May 24, 1977)
